Sunday, November 10, 2013

Couch to 5K, Rest Day

Today is the day of 'rest'.  Every workout needs it and every 'body' wants it.  'Rest' days do not need to be lazy, unless you really want them to.  There is so much you can do to take advantage of your 'rest' days. Reflect back on your week.  Think about you goals and the ones you have achieved and the ones you still need to accomplish.  If there was a goal that you didn't make, don't get down on yourself, but get motivated and tackle it for the week ahead.

One of the things I learned so far with my training, is that my body still isn't quite caught up to my mind in how much I want to accomplish.  I know from past experiences that if I push myself too hard, my body begins to shut down and I get really sick.  I just need to keep telling myself that just because I'm taking it slower than I would have before cancer, doesn't mean I'm weak or being lazy now.  I'm just adjusting to my 'new' normal and taking it one day at a time.

This day is not only for reflecting on the past week, but a day of a little meditation.  I'm going to steal a few quiet minutes and cleanse my mind, prepare for the upcoming week and keep my head in the game.

And I'm going to keep moving on and rocking on. \m/

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