Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It's Been 6 Years Since My Diagnosis...

Then...June 25, 2009
I was living life in a hurry. Not really paying attention to the important things. Worrying too much and sweating the small stuff. Taking too much for granted.

Now...June 25, 2015
Living life one day at a time. Trying to absorb it all. Embracing all of life that I can. Not sweating the small stuff but appreciating the small stuff. Feeling blessed to be alive.

Cuddling...Hugging...Dancing...Laughing...Loving...Smiling...Singing off key...Living in the moment...this is me and I love me.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

National Cancer Survivors Day

Today is National Cancer Survivors Day. This is a day to recognize those past and present who fought the battle of cancer. 

Surviving doesn't just mean the 'cancer' itself, it's all of the emotional, mental, and physical battles that you endure. Even now, after 4 1/2 years being in remission, the battle still carries on.

 But I am still fighting to keep healthy and will not give in. 

I am a Survivor.
I am a Warrior.
I am Cancer-free.