Well according to the calendar, Spring is here. But here in Pennsylvania, we still have a little bit of snow on the ground and now the weather forecasters are calling for freezing rain. Hopefully, this will be the end of Winter and warmer weather will be around the corner.
I am happy to say that this Winter wasn't too bad. I had some rough days of colds, coughs, sore throats and being tired. But overall, it seems each year that it keeps getting better. The illnesses are fewer and don't last as long. Hopefully, I will have a Winter with only a few sniffles.
I just had a regular follow-up appointment with my oncologist and had my regular six month Pulmonary Function Test (PFT). My blood results were good which means there isn't anything alarming that would indicate my cancer returning. So my donor cells are working hard at keeping those cancer cells at bay. However, my PFT test wasn't the best. It showed that my lung capacity has dropped from 68% to 48% which would explain my shortness of breath, especially after climbing stairs or after long bouts of walking, as well as, my occasional inability to take deep breaths. All this lack of being able to take in the right amounts of oxygen could also be attributed to me being tired a lot of the time.
My doctor ordered me to have a CT Scan done of my lungs to get a better picture of what is going on and to be able to determine the best treatment. I am optimistic that this can be accomplished and that I will be breathing freely without those lapses of being able to take a deep breath. I have an appointment next Tuesday for the results and I'm ready to get things moving along.
I am ready for warmer weather, sunny days and breathing the fresh air of Spring!!!