Thursday, November 30, 2017

How Could I Forget?!!!

Seriously, how could I forget this momentous day?

How could I forget that this was the beginning of my new normal. A new journey yet to be discovered.

It's been quite a journey of unknowns but isn't that typical of any journey?

I just know that this journey is the one that counts the most.

It's meant to be full of laughter.
It's meant to be full of love.
It's meant to have periods of grief.
And it's meant to have periods of pain and sadness.

This journey is meant to remind me how great it is to be alive.

It's meant to be a reminder to embrace all that life has to offer because it can change in a second.

It's great to be alive.

I still can't believe I forgot this day. Maybe it's because I'm finally healing. It has been seven (7) years since I received the greatest gift of all....a second chance.

This day I celebrate my 'new' normal.
This day I celebrate my amazing, selfless donor Andrea W.
This day I celebrate me and I keep rockin' on. 🤘

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Seven Years Ago the Prepping Began...

Seven years ago, life was quite different than it is now.

As I look at this picture, I reflect on how unknown the outcome of the stem-cell transplant would be.

I was beginning my preparations for my sct which would take place in five days.

So many things helped me through one of the biggest battles I would have to face.

My faith gave me peace.
My family gave me focus.
My stubbornness wouldn't allow me to quit.
My grit made me determined.
My weakness gave me the anger to fight.

Cancer gave me the knowledge that whatever I set my mind, body and soul to, I will win!

Here I am seven years later, celebrating this new normal with a life of up and downs, challenges and ease.

I appreciate the small things of life and I embrace the big things.

Even though I'm in remission, cancer is still  in my life every day. It's not something I dwell on but something I am reminded of every second of every minute of every day. It is and will always be a part of who I am today. As awful, disruptive and evil cancer is, it has shaped me into a better person who is passionate about life, and loves deeply.

God Bless and Keep Rockin On

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Keep It Movin'

One of my biggest struggles since cancer has been the loss of my strength and the decrease in my lung capacity.

About a month or so ago I began an INSANITY class. I admit I was worried. It's a lot of energy and motion and I didnt think I could do it. But I was wrong. So wrong.

Two things I have learned. #1 I may never be able to be as fit as I was before cancer. My body may never fully regain the strength I once had because of my treatments and side effects. And that's okay. #2 INSANITY is insane and it is what you make it. I do all modifications. And even though I modify, I still work up a sweat. I'm usually drenched by the time we are done. It's very satisfying and I feel accomplished and energized after those 530 am workouts.

Also, I have recently noticed something about myself. I have noticed my range of motion is becoming more and I am actually starting to add more speed which I couldn't do at the beginning because of my lung issues. And although I'm still struggling with strength, I'm 'keeping it movin'.

This has been so rewarding. And I want to continue because if I'm seeing progress now, I'm looking forward to a better, healthier and stronger self.

This 'new normal' has been a wild ride of ups and downs and I wouldn't have it any other way.

God bless and keep it movin!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Why Do I Pray?

The above picture was posted on FB.
I'm not aware of it origins so I'm unable to give credit to it's producer.

Anyway, when I read this post it made me think, wow, thats sad. What has happened to make this person feel this strongly?

I agree that 'in my thoughts and prayers or 'sending thoughts and prayers can appear to be over used.
Some days I feel like I've said it or posted it a hundred times but even though I have posted it more than I thought, it doesn't take away from my genuine conviction.

There seems to be a misconception as to what prayer is.  Especially with the most recent post. It's portrayed that prayer is always asking for something and praying to a God that allows what we believe to 'bad' things to happen.

It's rather ironic that my son had a homework assignment at Sunday school. He had to search the internet for the 5 types of prayer and have a discussion about those prayers.

As you can see not all prayers are asking for something. We adore and bless him, we offer him our thanks and we praise his glory. And yes, at times, we ask for his intercession on the behalf of others and we petition for ourselves when we feel we need him. But even though we pray for an outcome that doesn't happen, doesn't mean God failed us or our prayers were unanswered. God does things in his own time. I believe too many pray for an immediate need which in life doesn't always happen. Things take time. For those people who mock or ridicule others for believing in prayer says more about them then those who pray.

Sometimes when I pray, it's just to pray because it gives me comfort. Some people turn to nature, turn to music, exercise, etc to feel better. Others turn to prayer. Why is that a bad thing?

We live in a society where some believe we should all think the same, remove labels, and believe fully in the science in things. Why? It appears to me that for those who think this way are the disillusioned ones because if it doesnt fit in their  ideals then all others are wrong. It's called narrow-minded thinking and it's not life.

We are not robots. Everyone has their own belief and ideas. If we all thought the same our world would be a bland place. Imagine putting a halt to all those creative minds just because tbey thought differently when creating something or making a decision on a particular conflict whether in a disagreement or a type of project.

Just something to think about. Prayer means many different things to people and because of our free will, we should be able to think and express that without being attacked. It's okay to disagree but to ridicule others for what they strongly feel, says more about you then the other person.

So in closing, yes, I say GOD BLESS. I celebrate God in my life post cancer. I fully embrace this new journey he has blessed me with. And I thank him for his love.

5 Types of Prayer Image source