Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Brain Fog, Chemo Brain...What is it???

Well, I've noticed many times this new year that my issues with 'chemo brain' have gotten worse.  But I've also noticed that the severity of it varies daily.

For example, I had been removing laundry from the washer and placing it in a basket so that I could place it in the dryer.  Please note that my washer & dryer are not side by side due to our house being very old (built in the 1890's) and the outlets are not near each other.  So due to the location of the washer and dryer, I needed to place the wet laundry in the basket so that I could easily transfer it to the dryer, which leads me to my chemo brain moment. After I placed the laundry in the basket, I added a dirty load to the washer and added the soap and fabric softner, chose the cycle of wash and water temp and started the new load of dirty wash.  Then I went upstairs to start a new chore in the house. After sometime, I heard a few beeps notifying me that my laundry was done.  So upon arrival, I went to the dryer and noticed there was no laundry in there. I had completely forgotten to add the wet laundry to the dryer.  I stood there wondering how could I forget something like that and how could I forget that I forgot about it.  I had gone to the dryer to fold and hang the clothes and I just stood there absolutely in a fog. This has been happening a lot lately. 

I am finding myself just standing or sitting somewhere mentally searching for some form of recollection of a specific incidence or attempting to recall a piece of conversation or even the amount of an item that I wrote a check out for and I can't remember!!!

Someone could tell me something and even after 5 minutes, I can't fully recall the details of the conversation, it's like I lost a moment or two in time that I can't remember.

Is this normal??? Are thsee bouts of chemo brain worse some days than others???
Thankfully, I visit my oncologist tomorrow and I will be able to discuss these concerns with him.  I just wanted to put it out there for others to read (and before I probably forgot) hoping to have some feedback from anyone else with similar issues after  chemotherapy.

The list could go on and as to the things that I forget and I'll save that for my doctor.  But if this is common, then I'll just have to figure out how to adjust to this 'new normal' of intermittent lapses in memory and hoping that this brain fog, forgetfulness,  lapses in memory will be 'forgotten' and a thing of the past.

Image source: http://maryhardy.com/?p=1891

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