Thursday, October 18, 2012

What the "Eff" ?!?!? Chemo Brain Does it Really Exist!!!!!!

"Don't Forget"...this should be my daily mantra!!!

I haven't always had the best memory, but this is ridiculous!!!!! 

I was just getting ready to leave to have lunch at school with my son and went to get my wallet.  I spent 15 minutes searching the house from top to bottom and could not find it.  Then all of a sudden I remember putting it in my daughters book bag after having lunch with her yesterday!!! And this is just one instance of this.  I can't even tell you how many alarms I have set on my phone to help me remember things.  It's really becoming quite a nuisance!!!!

I haven't taken the time yet to discover if "chemo brain" is an actual phenomenon or its, no pun intended, all in our heads.  It seems that whether its long-term or short-term, I can't remember a damn thing anymore.  It can be something as simple as one of my kids stating they want something to eat and, if I'm in the middle of something, I'll tell them I will get it when I'm fninshed or just give me a minute.  Well, needless to say, that minute turns into five, ten, sometimes even 30 minutes to an hour.  I realize after they come to me asking again that I needed to get them something to eat. 

It's really a wonder I haven't burnt the house down.  I have left candles burning when I've left the house. I have actually forgotten about pasta sauce on the stove which burnt to a crisp and ruined my plastic ladle that I left in the pot!!!

Conversations with friends and family I can hardly remember.  My husband just reminded me yesterday of going to a Steeler game at the end of the month and I have no recollection of having that conversation!!!  I'm sure its just as frustrating for them as it is for me.

I really don't want to do much research in what the cancer world calls "chemo brain" because the less I know medically out there the better for me.  I tend to worry too much over medical conditions and the only information I really know about leukemia is based on my doctors and the hospitals information they have provided us.  Sure, maybe I should take more of an active role, but like I said, I tend to obsess over those things and I think it would be more unhealthy to know every little aspect, good or bad, and just to continue with the "need to know" basis.

Who knows, if I did do some research, maybe I would forget what I read...Hahaha!!!

Seriously, though, does anyone know much about this or has experienced it themselves?  I know we all forget things from time to time.  But this is something chronic that I experience daily.  It can be little things as to where I placed something, to important dates or phone calls.  At least I haven't forgotten to pick my kids up from school, but that's what my timer on my phone reminds me to do. 

And I even have my online calendar synced to my cell phone to remind me of appointments!!!  It is so useful and I'm so thankful for that feature.  It's so convenient if I'm somewhere and need to schedule an appointment.  When I enter the information on the calendar, from home or on my phone, it automatically syncs it to the other device.  So, this is one way for me to keep track and a tab on things. 

But what do I do for those little things, like where I place something or put something somewhere for safe keeping?  I know we all have done it but this is beyond comprehension as too how many times it occurs.  I started a "chore basket" for my kids.  If they leave something out it goes in the basket and they have to do a chore to get it back.  Maybe I need to start a "chemo brain" basket.  If I need to put something away, I can just start a collection in the basket and when I have the actual time to put things away in their rightful spot, I will remember more easily.  I'm open to hear any suggestions!!!

Stay tuned for my next blog...hopefully, I'll remember to write it!!!  Hahaha ;-)

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